Seed Industry
Seed Industry is a platform where people earn fruits with risk-free, this industry needs to rebuild our environment which is looking like a desert with no seeds, plants and flowers, there are many trees without leaves. Our environment have many people without jobs and some of them are working hard without a great income, they can't even touch their dreams. Seed Industry is coming to make your dream come true, it will help you to have leaves in your trees, make your trees have beautiful flowers and produce fruits to have a great harvest.
When you become a member of Seed Industry and how much you'd be motivated, it guaranteed your mood will change and your trees will get more fruits and you will have your smile back and stay forever. Seed Industry do not required for members to have experience to do so but only Seed Industry need their Trust and Motivation.
The Phonology of seed Industry is a Plant Life Cycle:
To start the membership, once your payment is approved, the member go to the next step of:
The Account is ready and the member is allow to go to the next step:
The Member must start to Invite their people under the referral e-mail.
The member Start have more people under the referral e-mail.
Member is almost complete the maximum referrals.
Member is Complete the maximum referrals and Harvest is ready.
Seed Industry will ship these fruits for the member.
60% fees for Membership Cancellation!!!